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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

“What is a man without a woman? Why even Father Lonnigan had a mother.”

Indeed he did––as do we all. I borrowed these lines from “The Quiet Man” because: 1) it’s one of my favorite films; and 2) because today is Mother’s Day, the day to honor the special women who gave us all life, nurtured us, taught us, and helped shape us into the people we are today. I’ve posted blogs about my father’s impact before, now it’s Mom’s turn.

Although my father’s left-brain influence ultimately swayed my career choice, it was my mother’s right-brain guidance that gave me balance. Mom taught me compassion and what it meant to love and be loved. Music, art, and a way with words were some of the many talents she often shared. She was patient in all matters and encouraged my two brothers and me to learn. She was quick with a smile and always looked for the goodness in others. Her family was important to her, and she made certain we understood and furthered that notion. Living with Dad, me, and my two brothers, she endured much but never gave up on any of us. She suffered the worst fate any parent can experience––the loss of a child (the sister I never knew)––yet she continued to show us what it meant to have courage and faith.

I owe a lot to my mother, including an apology for too often being an inconsiderate ass in my teens and early twenties.  SORRY, MOM. On this special day I wish you, and all mothers past and present, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Love you, Mom.

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